侯建军; 魏文科; 许建安
采用高效液相色谱分析并结合柱后衍生法,以不同的衍生温度对麻痹性贝毒的检测方法进行比较和优化,并对来自环境和实验室培养的赤潮藻样品进行检测.结果表明:检测PSP最适的柱后衍生温度为80℃;对实验室纯培养的赤潮藻东海原甲藻未能检测出毒素,对塔玛亚历山大藻CI01(ATCI01)则比较容易地检测出了C毒素和GTX2、CTX3、CTX5等毒素,而对厦门港赤潮水样的裸甲藻虽能检测出毒素,但不属于PSP类的毒素,提示此方法能对PSP毒素进行有效地检测.; The HPLC protocol used a post -column chemical reaction system (PCRS) to detect the paralytic shellfish poisons with different temperature of post - column derivatization in order to compare and optimize the detecting method. The red tide algae samples from laboratory and environment were detected by the optimized protocol. The results were as follows:The optimum temperature of post - column derivatization was 80℃, and C toxins、GTX2, GTX3 and GTX5 toxins were easy to be detected in Alexandrium tamarense CI01 (ATCI01) , but PSP could not be detected in Gymnodinium sp. from Xiamen Harbor and Prorocentrum donghaiense from laboratory. The results suggested that 80℃ of post - column derivatization by HPLC could be an effective method to detect paralytic shellfish poisons.