Channel: 环境与生态学院
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ECF和TCF漂白是我国非木浆行业可持续发展的方向 钟树明; 薛其福; 郑韶青; 石晓枫 制浆造纸行业COd排放量占全国工业COd排放量的30%以上,而产量仅占24%的非木浆行业占污染负荷的60%以上,对我国环境污染极大。非木浆由我国国情决定而存在,在目前尚无法完全取缔非木浆企业的情况下,积极发展以ECf和TCf漂白工艺为基础的非木浆是我国制浆造纸工业持久发展的一种选择,也是我国造纸行业污染物减排的一条重要途径。; COD emission from pulp and paper industry accounts for more than 30% of industrial COD emission,while non-wood pulp industry has the pollution load of more than 60% with output of 24% only,which arouse great environmental pollution in China.Under the current condition of not entirely prohibition of non-wood pulp industry,the positive development of non-wood pulp industry based on ECF and TCF process is a choice to achieve sustainable development for pulp and paper industry in China,and also an important way to reduce pollutant emission from paper industry.

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