Channel: 环境与生态学院
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九龙江河流-库区系统磷循环及其生态调控作用 鲁婷 梯级电站开发形成河流-库区系统,由于改变了水文过程(如增加水力停留时间)和生物地球化学过程(如改变氮、磷、硅生源要素的输送通量和比例),发生水华的风险加大。为了认识福建省九龙江北溪梯级电站库区富营养化特征和水华爆发机理,本研究以九龙江北溪为整体研究对象,以中上游的西陂电站库区为研究重点,通过野外多参数同步观测和室内培养实验,全面分析河流表层水和沉积物磷的时空分布特征及其赋存形态。综合叶绿素、理化性质和气象水文等信息,初步探明了河流-库区系统磷的输送规律和循环过程,并探讨了九龙江磷的生态调控作用。主要研究结论如下: (1)受流域污染负荷和大坝的综合影响,九龙江北溪表层水磷在空间上呈现上游高、下...; River-reservoir system resulted from development of cascade hydropower stations in the Jiulong River, this system changed the hydrologic process (increase residence time) and biogeochemistry (changed the flux and ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon), increasing the risk of algal blooms. In order to understand the characteristic of eutrophication and mechanism of algal blooms in the North Jiu...

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